Monday, August 7, 2017

Dependency Injector NINJECT

Stuff, i learned recently

For example, there is peace of code:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
ISubject _subject;

public MainWindow()
_subject = new WeatherData();

.... other code....

What is a problem with this code?
a couple of.
1. MainWindow should to know about ISubject realization. So, it violate OCP. Class MainWindow do some job and it also instantiate _subject by concrete realization.

2.  If i will want other _subject realization, i will open MainWindow and do changes. It is violates OCP.

3. It is not using Ninject dependency injector ;-)

So, how we fix it?

1. In Visual studio package manager console type :
PM> install-package Ninject

2. Create class, which bind interface and realization by using Ninject:
public class SubjectModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()

what is mean, is realization of ISubject is WeatherData

3. Lets create some factory, which use SubjectModule :
public class SubjectFactory
public static ISubject Create()
IKernel krnl = new StandardKernel(new SubjectModule());
return krnl.Get<ISubject>();

4. lets do refactoring to MainWindow :
public partial class MainWindow : Window
ISubject _subject;

public MainWindow()
_subject = SubjectFactory.Create();
.... other code....

that all!
Now we can change Binding and get other realization inside of MainWindow  without change its code! And, from now, MainWindow  should not know anything about _subject concrete realization


P.S. thanks to Vova about make me to learn it


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